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Younger Generation

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If you have questions, please provide us with the class title and number when
emailing or calling 309-796-8223.

(Ages 12 & older)  What’s the fastest way to make money as a teenager? The answer is a side hustle. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait until you’re o ...  View More

Start date: 03/03/25

End date: 03/03/25

Weekly - Mon 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (3/3/2025-3/3/2025)

Tuition: $25.00

Location : Moline, VIRTUAL/ONLINE Location : 

Instructor : Np Staff 

Please read: The Zoom link will be emailed to you the day ...More

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BABYSITTING CLINIC (Ages 11-16) arrow

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(Ages 10-14)  It is a big responsibility to stay home alone. Are you ready? This fun and interactive class will focus on internet safety, accident pre ...  View More

Start date: 03/29/25

End date: 03/29/25

Weekly - Sat 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (3/29/2025-3/29/2025)

Tuition: $30.00

Location : East Moline, OUTREACH CENTER Location : 

Room :  204

Instructor : Brett Monnard 

Please read: Last day for refund: Mar. 25

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